Day 25 Advent: Thank You Note Template

And at the end of our 25 Days of Toad Advent Calendar, we're helping you kick off your good habit of 2017: Writing Thank You notes. Consider this your first good habit of 2017. Here's a template that will work for any person and any gift - even if it was a fruitcake! Be genuine and share a few things about what you've been up to and what you're up to in the new year! Happy Holidays, from our family to yours! Willarde Carlson, known locally as "Sunny-Man", uses a branch to whip seaweed from his fishing nets. Local fishermen claim that increased river temperatures are causing more seaweed to appear than they have ever seen before. It must be cleaned daily or it will alert salmon to the presence of nets in the water.

Dear ____________,

Thank you so much for the _______________. It'll be absolutely perfect for _____________. Really, you nailed it! I hope you had a great holiday - this year celebrated ______________ with _____________. It was a great way to ring in the holidays and kick off the new year. Speaking of the new year, hope to see you soon! Perhaps I can persuade you to _____________? Could be fun! Thanks again and Happy New Year!


Your Name


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