How to Throw an Eco-Friendly Party
By Daisy

There's a little football game coming up (we're not legally allowed to use the name, but it rhymes with "Duper Bowl") and we're gearing up for snack central. Since we're on a mission to find a greener way to do just about everything (see BBQs, holidays, coffee, summer), here are our tips for throwing an eco-friendly tailgate party.
Carpool, public transit, bike or walk... the days of everyone driving their own trucks are over. We're not here to kill the vibe, just make it a little more carbon neutral.
We get it – we love chicken wings too. But maybe, just this once you can try a buffalo cauliflower recipe or mushroom burgers. Who knows, you might actually like it better.
Hear us out: you can get a zillion utensils for next to nothing at thrift stores (because who needs mismatched forks? YOU DO). Yes, the compostable utensils are better than plastic ones, but they still end up in landfills and take many years to break down. That's why we'll always preach the benefits of reusable items. Get a mess of utensils and keep them as your "party set." You'll use them more than you think!
Real talk: Those 99¢ streamers we can get online have a lot of hidden costs to the environment (packaging, jet fuel, questionable manufacturing). Get creative and make streamers out of old ribbon or fabric you find at thrift stores, or make a big flower arrangement with the colors of your team. Encourage guests to wear team colors - it will feel festive in no time.
There's a $5 buy in and the winner gets to donate to the winning to the non-profit of their choice! Win, win. Gotta love football!