Last Minute DIY Halloween for Dudes

Last Minute DIY Halloween for Dudes
We've all been there. It's the night before Halloween and you have to throw something together so you aren't "that guy." Luckily, some of the greatest men in history were minimalists, just like yourself. So dig into your closet, pull out a few basics and top it off with a carefully placed prop or two and a few good catch phrases. Happy Halloween, buddy.

Earnest Hemingway

"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut." hemingway wk44d-blog-halloween-2

Paul Bunyan

"TIMMMBBERRRRRRR!" paul-bunyan-babe-13or6nd wk44d-blog-halloween-1

Indiana Jones

“It belongs in a MUSEUM!” indy wk44d-blog-halloween-3

Bob Ross

"We don't make mistakes, just happy little accidents." bobross wk44d-blog-halloween-4

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