Easy Holiday Recipe

2013_Fall-7877-2 Every holiday we roll up our sleeves, preheat the oven and get down to business. With full houses and empty glasses, we spend much deserved time with our loved ones and whip up our favorite things to share. So here's our recipe for a perfect holiday: Ingredients 60 Minutes of volunteering (or more!) 52 Cards 24 Hours without the internet 12 Pack of your favorite local beer 10 year aged bourbon – take a sip, splash a sip 8 Tracks of The Boss (or whatever keeps the kitchen crew grooving) 4 Shotted-shotski (learn how to make one here) Pair of stretchy pants 1 football A liberal sprinkling of good company 1. Prep ingredients the night before. 2. Morning of, spend 60 minutes volunteering. 3. Preheat oven to 375, turn on 8 tracks. 4. Mix remaining ingredients, stirring occasionally. 5. Top with good company and share!