How to be an Ally: A Chat with Pacific Pride Foundation

At Toad, we believe in equality, compassion, justice, and a joyful life for all, today and year round. We're proud to celebrate and support the LGBTQIA+ community this month and every month, and are always looking for ways to be good allies.
One local organization that we love to support is Pacific Pride Foundation. Before the pandemic hit, we set up a booth at their Pride Festival, and this month, they'll be joining us as guest speakers as part of our DEI program (where we bring in regular speakers for conversations on a variety of topics related to diversity, equity, and inclusion).
Before we get the full rundown at our office, we asked Program Manager Tiffany Lane to share a bit more about the organization — and for her tips on being an ally.
What is Pacific Pride and what are some of your organizational goals and focuses?
Pacific Pride Foundation's advocacy and education efforts meet the ongoing and emerging needs of a diverse population in order to create a thriving and visible LGBTQ+ community and to prevent the transmission of HIV/AIDS.
Our overarching goal is to serve the LGBTQIA+ and HIV-impacted communities of Santa Barbara County, and to focus on increasing wellness and creating a vibrant, thriving, and visible community. We also aim to continue to adapt and expand our programs to meet the needs of the populations we serve.
How, when, and why did you first get involved with Pacific Pride Foundation?
After 10+ years working in high education, I wanted to make a change and work for a nonprofit beyond being on a board and volunteering. When I saw that PPF had an opening, I applied right away.
What's your favorite thing about working for PPF?
It's definitely working with the community — and my colleagues.
What are some things that we can all do to support Pride Month?
Donate, especially to LGBTQIA+ organizations of color. It's also important to center LGBTQIA+ Black and Brown folks' voices all year round, not just during Pride Month.
What are some of the dos and don'ts of being a good ally - both in the workplace and in society?
- Speak up against any anti-LGBTQIA+ remarks.
- Center LGBTQIA+ voices year-round.
- In the workplace, recruit and retain LGBTQIA+ employees.
- Take time to educate yourself.
- Discriminate or harass.
- Tokenize (the practice of doing something, such as hiring a person who belongs to a minority group, only to prevent criticism and give the appearance that people are treated fairly. More on that here).
Why are pronouns important?
Using the correct pronouns is simply about respecting another person's identity. Another way to be a good ally is to share your pronouns first, and include them in your email signature.
For our local friends, any upcoming events we should watch for from Pacific Pride?
We will have various events in August. Keep an eye on our website for more details.