The Best River Floats in the U.S. of A

When Summer rolls around, the vibes are high and the blaze is pumping, there’s one thing to do – get to a river and FLOAT. *Spotify play, “Take Me to The River” by the Talking Heads.* From inner tubes to inflatable unicorn rafts, floating down a river is one of the best feelings of all time. And for those of us living in the lower 48, Mother Earth has lazy rivers galore for us to enjoy time and time again. Though the opportunities are pretty endless, here are just a few of our favorites:
Deschutes River, Bend, OregonDotted with breweries and grassy shores, the calm stretch of this river runs right through the city of Bend. Locals know it for wet and wild 4th of July celebrations and a surfing wave that runs rear round.
Truckee River, Truckee, CaliforniaNot far from the shores of Lake Tahoe, the Truckee River offers one of the chillest floats in California. Running right through the historic district of the town, this river offers plenty of sandy banks to put in and take out, or crack a brew if you so fancy.
Black Canyon, Henderson, Nevada
This mellow stretch of the Colorado River runs right below the Hoover Dam, offering one of the most incredible floats with towering canyon walls and sandy beaches to camp on. Not to mention, there are hot springs – lots and lots of hot springs.
Snake River, Jackson Hole, Wyoming
The Snake is special. Why? Because it runs entirely through Grand Teton National Park, one of the most breathtaking places this land has to offer. Many would agree that there is no better way to see this landscape than from the view of a slowly meandering river.
Snoqualmie River, North Bend, Washington
When the sun shines in Washington, the stoke is high. And if you live in the Seattle area, you know the Snoqualmie River float to be a right of passage. With beautiful scenery, clean water and party vibes, this epic stretch of lazy river is popular for good reason.
Guadalupe River, New Braunfels, Texas
Running right through the heart of Southwest Texas, this river is all kinds of fun. So much so that there is a tradition of folks on the shore handing out beers to tubers as they float by. Only rule – keep the river clean.
Ginnie Springs, High Springs, Florida
Popular amongst folks from Central and Northern Florida, this river has a swampy vibe that is different from the rest. Shaded by a canopy of Spanish Moss, it’s the perfect place to cool off in the hot Summer sun with a cold beer in hand. Watch out for gators!