The Ultimate Aprés Guide

Who says the aprés life is only for skiing? Sure there's skiing and snowboarding and cross country, but snow bocce, curling, and Winter 'Minton deserve their rightful place at the aprés counter. Here's our guide to winter's aprés alternatives.
Ski Ballet & Champagne on Ice
A favorite sport from the 1970s, ski ballet is everything you love about ballet (the jumps, the drama, the sophistication), just on skis. Get your interpretive dance on then pop some bottles.
Polar Bear Plunge & Hot Toddies
Seems self exlpantory. Take the plunge, then warm up as fast as you can.
Yukigassen & Shotskis
The Japanese art of epic snowball fights. Two teams, seven players each, 90 snow balls, one flag on each side. It's capture the flag meets dodgeball meets snowballs - better wear your helmets. Shake hands and share a shotski when you're done.
Bandy & Brandy
Though it never officially made it into the Olympics, Bandy is a hugely popular winter sport because it's just like ice hockey but instead of a puck, it's a ball. Brandy, is a hugely popular winter spirit. The two seem to go hand in hand.
Wok Races & Sake Bombs
Like sledding, but with greased up woks. (The pros swear by it). Follow it up with a round of sake bombs. Ichi, ni, san!
Kite Skiing & Eggnog Coladas
Trade the surfboards for skis and you've got kite skiing. Same goes for the seasonal change-up in the eggnog colada. Bonus points for following-up with karaoke.... "If you like eggnog coladas, and getting caught in the rain..."
Winter Minton & Whiskey Smash
Like summer badminton, but, you guessed it, in snow. A match consists of the best of 3 games of 21 points. After every match, recoup with a Whiskey Smash (Like a Whiskey Sour but with clementine and cinnamon. YUM).
Need leisure sport wear? Shop our Men's and Women's winter styles.