Our Daylight Savings Resolutions

Oh happy day—light savings time, that is. This year, vow to make the most of the extra sun with our Daylight Savings Resolutions.
More backyard time
Pop open an umbrella and dust off the lawn chairs: The season of backyard hangs is upon us. No backyard? No problem. Whether you’ve got a garden, a porch or a good old fashioned stoop, now’s the time to take advantage.
Air dry everything
‘Tis the season to give your dryer a break. Instead, string up a clothesline or set up a rack, and let your laundry dry outside. Not only is it eco-friendly, it will make your clothes smell like sunshine.
Sleep with the windows open
With freezing days soon to be in the rearview mirror, now is the time to crack open those windows and let the fresh air lull you to dreamland.
Work your green thumb
One of the best parts of spring is filling your garden (or window box) with bursts of color. While some seasonal faves like tulips and daffodils actually need to be planted in the fall, there are plenty of options perfect for right now, like morning glories, hydrangeas and sunflowers.
Treat the pup to an extra-long walk
You know who else is ready for longer days? Hint: they’re probably eyeing your food right now. Give your Very Good Boy or Girl some love this evening with a nice, long stroll to their favorite trail or park, and finish off the day with plenty of pets.
Outdoor happy hour
You’re done with work for the day and the drink specials are callin’. Pull up to your favorite bar patio or backyard and enjoy a cold one al fresco.
Park picnics
Wanna know the recipe for a good time? It’s pretty simple: A blanket, some snacks, and a few good friends. Pop some bubbly as the sun goes down, and cheers to a spring well spent.